Teacher recruitment Archives - Dipont Education Internationalized Education in China Fri, 08 Jul 2022 04:38:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 Time for your career revival https://www.dipont.com/2022/07/08/time-for-your-career-revival/ Fri, 08 Jul 2022 04:12:30 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=43302 Now is the perfect time for your career revival in China. If you are an excellent teacher coming from an ESL background, and if you have the ability, the determination and willingness to learn, Dipont Education has opportunities for you to take your teaching to the next level. In the

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Now is the perfect time for your career revival in China. If you are an excellent teacher coming from an ESL background, and if you have the ability, the determination and willingness to learn, Dipont Education has opportunities for you to take your teaching to the next level.

In the past three years there has been a huge decline in the ESL private education market in China. COVID, policy change, and general economic shrinkage have placed enormous pressure on this once lucrative and booming industry. As a result, a lot of ESL teachers are facing the end of their China dreams.

Decision time on your career journey

Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

At the same time many international and bilingual schools in China are now filling the last of their vacancies for an August 2022 start.

Here are some tips on making the leap from training centers to the big league.

1. Align with your subject knowledge

If economics was not your major at university, don’t apply for an economics teaching job. You do not want the stress of trying to learn the topic between classes. Like a predator’s instinct to smell fear on the hunted, most students can detect a knowledge gap within the first 15 minutes of a course. A bitter victory it would be to bluff your way into such a classroom.

Use your subject qualifications to bolster your appeal

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

You will need subject knowledge. What was your major? Literature, History, and, to a lesser extent, Political Science are fields that are applicable to an English subject teaching role, and should be highlighted in your CV.

Look into options to undertake a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education), which effectively upgrades your qualifications to be classroom ready. Enrolling in a PGCE will also demonstrate your commitment to career development.

2. Emphasize your unique strengths

You may have been an awesome ESL teacher, but there are a lot of awesome ex-ESL teachers flooding the market these days. What makes you stand out from the crowd? Brushing up your CV is an opportunity to reflect on your achievements and your growth, and also to articulate the benefits you can bring to a new employer.

What is your unique strength in the classroom?

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

What is it about your classroom management style that supports autonomous, student-centered learning? Have you any experince with safe-guarding protocols? What have you learnt about the unique perspective of Chinese learners? What experience do you have with cross-cultural communication? Have you ever organized an extra-curricular activity? What made it great? What did you learn from it?

3. Be prepared to move

Back in the day you could throw a rock* in downtown Shanghai and it would bounce off a couple of ESL schools before hitting the ground. There were a lot of training centers. The daily commute was a breeze. You could live in the thick of the CBD, taking your pick of workplaces. It was easy to find a job.

Dipont Education has both independant schools and High School Programs in Hangzhou

Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash

These days it is not so easy. You may need to change cities to find a position that matches your qualifications. This is not to say that any reputable school will accept inadequately skilled teachers, but there is a greater likelihood of being accepted into a non-ESL academic role away from the extremely competitive job market in top tier cities.

If you have the ability, the determination, and the willingness to grow, a second or third tier would be the ideal place to launch your career renaissance.

*note that this is a metaphorical rock. It is never a good idea to throw stones in the inner city.

4. Prepare a killer demo lesson

You may not always have the opportunity to use it, but preparing a demo lesson is a good way to focus your intent and refine your pitch for the job. In addition, many classes are being taught online these days, albeit temporarily, so preparing a great demo lesson in this format could make a huge difference to your application.

An online demo lesson can be highlight your prowess and preparedness.

Photo by Tumisu on Pixabay

You should aim for a snapshot of your teaching persona that highlights your mastery of the medium as well as your comfort in the subject area. The question for your audience is: Is this person able to deliver a curriculum with confidence and discernment? Charisma is not king in this situation.

5. Persevere or perish

Failure is inevitable on the road to change, but the road is long and forgiving if you give yourself the chance. Every application is an opportunity to hone your message. Every interview is a chance to practice delivering your brand to the market.

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

China has always been a land of opportunity for teachers. The difference now is that the stakes are higher, and the rewards are greater. The end of your ESL days need not be the end of your China life. You could make it the start of your education career.

Dipont Education has had a few last minute positions open up for teachers currently residing in China for an August 2022 start. Now is the time to get started on your career revival.

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How to make your LinkedIn profile stand out https://www.dipont.com/2021/08/18/how-to-make-your-linkedin-profile-stand-out/ Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:52:34 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=18976 LinkedIn is probably the most powerful professional networking tool on the internet – it is certainly one Dipont Education recruiters use regularly when looking for educators to fill our vacancies. Dipont recruiters spend hours searching for potential candidates on LinkedIn, so they know what makes a good profile! Whether you

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LinkedIn is probably the most powerful professional networking tool on the internet – it is certainly one Dipont Education recruiters use regularly when looking for educators to fill our vacancies.

Dipont recruiters spend hours searching for potential candidates on LinkedIn, so they know what makes a good profile! Whether you are actively looking for a new position or are simply open to hearing about new opportunities, it is always beneficial to have your profile ready.

Here are our top tips for making sure your LinkedIn profile stands out to our recruiters:

LinkedIn profile photo

Choose the right photo

Begin your profile by choosing a professional and friendly-looking photo. It’s what our recruiters searching for your profile will see first. To give the best initial impression, don’t use a passport picture as they can sometimes appear too serious. Our recruiters are more likely to click on profiles that show smiling candidates as they give off a positive attitude and a warm and friendly personality. Also, make sure that the photo is interview-appropriate.

General rule: If you wouldn’t wear it to an interview, don’t have it in your LinkedIn photo.

Include enough info

LinkedIn profiles are easy to complete. You can personalize the sections you want to use and decide what you want to highlight. In order for your profile to be useful to our recruiters, however, you must make sure your profile contains enough information so that we can understand your career path – don’t forget to include your educational background and recent relevant experience. Although not essential, having a short, impactful summary about yourself often helps attract our busy recruiters’ attention.

Get specific

Our recruiters are usually filling defined vacancies for our independent schools and international high school programs, with detailed candidate profile requirements. With this in mind, ensure your LinkedIn profile includes specifics about the curricula and subjects you have taught. This increases your chances of being found when Dipont recruitment consultants refine their searches for subject- and curriculum-specific roles.

Keep your profile updated

If you have recently changed jobs, update your profile. Our recruiters will see that you have just started a new position and will assume you’re not looking for another job right now. This will help save theirs and your time by avoiding unnecessary messages about your availability or interest in new positions.

Keeping your location current is also really important. Increasingly our recruiters are searching for candidates based in China already. If you’re not currently in the country but your profile says you are, you may be contacted about roles you’re ineligible for. On the other hand, if your profile incorrectly says you’re based outside of China you may miss out on being contacted about excellent job opportunities.

LinkedIn logo

Connect with us

Dipont Education has a very active LinkedIn company page, where we post regular updates about positions available, as well as company news. Be sure to follow our page to stay up-to-date on the information we share. Interacting with our posts is also a great way to get noticed by our recruiters. Sharing, liking and commenting on our updates gives you the chance to showcase your knowledge and opinions, allowing our recruiters to get to know more about you beyond your profile.

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9 tips for your self-introduction video https://www.dipont.com/2021/07/27/self-introduction-video-tips/ Tue, 27 Jul 2021 10:10:20 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=17871 Have you applied to a Dipont teaching role and need to record a self-introduction video? Not sure where to start? Melissa Szarowicz from our teacher recruitment team shares her advice. It’s 2021 and as technology improves recruitment, so we’ve added a self-introduction video feature to our online application process. Although

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Have you applied to a Dipont teaching role and need to record a self-introduction video? Not sure where to start? Melissa Szarowicz from our teacher recruitment team shares her advice.

A teacher recording a self-introduction videoIt’s 2021 and as technology improves recruitment, so we’ve added a self-introduction video feature to our online application process. Although submitting a self-introduction video is entirely optional, we believe there are some strong reasons why you should consider providing one.

Firstly, self-introduction videos make your application stand out. Rather than being just another resume on a screen, you now get 1 to 2 minutes to introduce who you are and why you love teaching. Plus, you also have the chance to explain anything that might not be clear in your resume.

Secondly, some candidates who we would have otherwise passed on, have wowed us with their poise and presence in their video. An impressive self-introduction video gives you a better chance of being offered a pre-screen call to further discuss your background and experience. In short, a good video can make us think twice about you as our next teacher.

How can you create a great self-introduction video?

To create a great self-introduction video, follow our tips to make a powerful first impression:

  1. Record your video alone in a quiet room with great lighting (either natural or artificial). Make sure you are not backlit by any light source however – let it light your face, not hide it.
  2. Try to use a tripod or something similar to keep your video still and stable.
  3. Dress to impress but remember you’re speaking to a potential employer, not a suitor!
  4. Speak clearly in your strongest voice so that it carries to the microphone.
  5. Be concise in what you say. If you need to write some notes in order to remember the key things (your name, nationality, teaching philosophy, etc) do so, but try and avoid reading a script on camera, as this can sound robotic. Speak as naturally as you would when talking face-to-face with someone.
  6. Rehearse a little before hitting record.
  7. Keep your introduction short, less than 2 minutes. You should have a good reason for going over this time limit – for example, you perform a musical piece because you’re a music teacher or you conduct a science experiment because you’re a science teacher.
  8. There is no need to show us a teaching demo video. We want to get to know you from your own speech and thoughts.
  9. Review the video before sending it. Check for sound and image quality. If you took many takes and know basic editing, perhaps you can edit the video. Otherwise, if you are happy with it and feel it gives a great first impression, send away!

Remember that a self-introduction video is an optional add-on to your application. However, it is an excellent way for us to qualify you for our jobs if you do a good job.

Interested in the vacancies we have available? Visit our careers section to search our available positions.

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WEBINAR: professional support for Dipont teachers https://www.dipont.com/2020/06/02/webinar-professional-support-for-dipont-teachers/ Tue, 02 Jun 2020 10:42:23 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=13535 If you couldn’t join us for our recent webinar on the professional support new teachers will receive when they work for Dipont, you can watch it again here or on our YouTube channel. Peter was joined by Caroline Lincoln, deputy director for academic quality management, who talked about the wide-ranging and ongoing

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If you couldn’t join us for our recent webinar on the professional support new teachers will receive when they work for Dipont, you can watch it again here or on our YouTube channel.

Peter was joined by Caroline Lincoln, deputy director for academic quality management, who talked about the wide-ranging and ongoing support given to Dipont teachers by our Academic Quality Management teams.

There was also ample opportunity for the audience to ask any further questions.

The different sections of the online info session can be found at:

  • 2′ 05″ onwards – Peter Derby-Crook MBE
  • 11′ 43″ onwards – Caroline Lincoln
  • 30′ 50″ onwards – Questions and answers (Q&A) session

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China actively recruiting international teachers https://www.dipont.com/2020/04/28/china-actively-recruiting-international-teachers/ Tue, 28 Apr 2020 09:27:10 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=12513 As life in China starts to return to normal after coronavirus, schools in the country – including Dipont Education’s curriculum centers and independent schools – are actively recruiting international teachers. Containment of COVID-19 in China has gone very well and after many months of online teaching, schools are beginning to

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As life in China starts to return to normal after coronavirus, schools in the country – including Dipont Education’s curriculum centers and independent schools – are actively recruiting international teachers.

Containment of COVID-19 in China has gone very well and after many months of online teaching, schools are beginning to reopen. While there are ongoing, temporary measures in place to limit a recurrence of the virus, all signs indicate that the recruitment of international teachers will remain a priority for the country.

So, if that news alone wasn’t enough, there are also many other reasons why China is a great destination when considering your next teaching role.

You’re in demand

The number of teaching jobs in China is extensive, as the number of bilingual schools is increasing greatly. Dipont, for example, has independent schools in Hangzhou, Wuxi and, soon, Kunshan, which all require teachers. A growing demand for high-quality internationalized education means that schools in China require a steady supply of experienced teachers from overseas. And with recent events, that demand is only going to increase in the coming months.

Competitive packages

Salary and benefits packages in China remain some of the most competitive in the world. Disposable and savable income is extremely high. All teaching packages include housing allowance or provide nice apartments on- or off-campus for their international teachers. Not having to use your salary for rent frees up your already generous salary for the other things you desire. Packages with Dipont also include flight allowances and health insurance which further frees up your money.

Travel opportunities

Coronavirus may have affected global travel, but under normal circumstances, tourism in China is booming. Airlines often have unbelievable travel deals for international weekends away or your long summer or winter breaks, enabling you to unwind and enjoy the finer things in life. If you’ve always dreamed of exploring China and its 57 ethnicities and cultures, travel inside of the country is also extremely easy and accessible. The high-speed gaotie trains connect almost every corner of the land in super-fast time – for example, you can travel the 1,000km from Beijing to Shanghai in under five hours!

Safe to live

China is a very safe country in which to live. Crime rates are low and large cities are safe to walk around, even late at night. Chinese people are friendly and welcoming to foreigners. Dipont employs a large number of international staff, many of whom have chosen to make China their home over several years or even decades.

Learn Mandarin

Being an educator means being a lifelong learner, so naturally, China is the best place in which to learn the most widely used language in the world – Mandarin. With the growth of China and Asia on the global stage, learning Mandarin is a great investment in yours, or your children’s, futures. With Dipont, you’ll work with and alongside Chinese staff so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice your fledgling language skills!

Excellent work-life balance

Education is one of China’s most important sectors, and students and parents very much value educators. Many of Dipont’s teaching jobs don’t require weekend working (unless you run an extracurricular) and your evenings are free for your own interests. Furthermore, students in China tend to be very respectful of their teachers and classroom behavior is generally excellent, so you spend less time being stressed and feeling overburdened.

Well-equipped schools

Classrooms in our independent schools are very high-tech and have integrated cutting-edge tools and programs. Coupled with this, they also have excellent resources, top-class sports and science facilities, and state-of-the-art performance venues, meaning you will have everything you need to create excellent learning opportunities for students.

Are you a teacher or education professional? Check out our vacancies page for the latest teaching jobs in China.

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“I’ve brought over 1000 expat teachers to schools in China” https://www.dipont.com/2020/04/07/oliver-knapman-dipont-teacher-recruitment/ Tue, 07 Apr 2020 15:47:47 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=12120 Oliver Knapman, recruitment manager for Dipont’s Shanghai Huaer Collegiate School Kunshan, talks about his career and his role in recruiting staff to our exciting new school development. Dipont: Can you tell us a bit about your professional background and role with Dipont? Oliver: I have been in teacher recruitment in

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Oliver Knapman, recruitment manager for Dipont’s Shanghai Huaer Collegiate School Kunshan, talks about his career and his role in recruiting staff to our exciting new school development.

Dipont: Can you tell us a bit about your professional background and role with Dipont?

Oliver: I have been in teacher recruitment in China for a decade and have lived in Shanghai since 2007. I joined Dipont in 2010 to support teacher recruitment for our international high school programs, which were going through a period of dramatic growth. Since then, I estimate I’ve been involved in bringing over a thousand expat teachers to schools in China.

Since 2017, I have managed the teacher recruitment for Dipont’s independent schools; Nanwai King’s College School Wuxi and RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou. As these schools are bilingual and require large numbers of Chinese teachers, I was joined by Emily Wang, Effy Qin and, later, Yini Zhang. These schools are now going into their third year of operation and we have so far recruited close to 300 Chinese and expat teachers for our King’s College partner schools.

D: Tell us about your work on recruitment for Huaer Collegiate…

O: Since the summer of last year, a large focus of my work has been on Dipont’s new school project, Shanghai Huaer Collegiate School Kunshan. This school is similar in size and scope to the King’s schools. A key difference, however, is the blend of the American independent school curriculum and ethos with a bilingual Chinese National Curriculum.

Recruitment for Huaer Collegiate has been a huge project, coordinating advertising, agencies and events locally and internationally. For this, we have been supported by Stephen Woolbert, a former center principal with Dipont, who is now based in the US as our director of academic programs. We have received interest from many thousands of candidates across a variety of platforms. Between myself, Stephen, Explore CRS (Dipont’s subsidiary recruitment company) and the Chinese recruitment team here, we have spoken with hundreds of teachers about working with Huaer Collegiate.

D: How many of these candidates have been interviewed and offered a position?

O: To date, more than 250 of these candidates have gone on to have formal interviews with the founding head of the school, Carol Santos, and her senior leadership team. Carol has also been interviewing throughout the US and meeting teachers at conferences such as the National Association of Independent Schools.

We are close to completing faculty recruitment, which will consist of approximately 50 expat teaching staff, 30 Chinese teaching staff and 30 Chinese graduate teaching fellows.

D: What will the faculty of this new school look like? What qualities have you looked for in candidates?

O: The faculty at Huaer Collegiate is incredibly diverse. There isn’t a typical successful candidate, though there are some things that they have in common. We certainly value years of teaching experience. When building a strong team, however, it is important to have a good mix of experienced staff and teachers nearer the beginning of their career, who will bring the energy and flexibility that is essential in a newly established school.

All of our teachers, whether they have five or 25 years of experience, should show a demonstrated desire to continually develop and refine their practice. Similarly, we do look for teachers with excellent academic credentials. Huaer Collegiate boasts a faculty with an extremely impressive collection of degrees, although an Ivy League or Oxbridge degree does not necessarily guarantee excellent teaching. Subject knowledge is vital, but it must be combined with a talent for sharing that knowledge.

Ultimately, we are looking for candidates with a clear passion for working with young people – inside and outside of the classroom. The school’s extensive advisory and co-curricular program mean that teachers will be taking a much broader role in the development of their students than just subject teaching, so we look for candidates who will be role-models in their behaviors and attitudes. In Carol Santos’ words, they should be “a resilient scholar, adaptable ambassador, enlightened communicator and ethical visionary”.

D: Why is China a popular destination among international teachers?

O: Teachers choose China for a variety of reasons. The culture, food and lifestyle attract people initially but, in my experience, it is the students that keep educators here for much longer than their initial contracts. Teachers love to work with respectful and ambitious Chinese students who value the opportunities that this type of education gives them.

We have brought in several teachers who have already been working with leading schools in China. There are a lot of options for teachers who want to work in China, so the school’s excellent facilities and mission to combine the best of Chinese and international education has been an important factor in attracting the best talent.

Please note that since January 2022, Nanwai King’s College School Wuxi has been known as Wuxi Dipont School of Arts and Science, while Shanghai Huaer Collegiate School Kunshan has been known as Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan.

Are you a teacher or education professional? Check out our vacancies page for the latest teaching jobs in China.

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Wide range of opportunities for Chinese bilingual teachers https://www.dipont.com/2019/11/13/wide-range-of-opportunities-for-chinese-bilingual-teachers/ Wed, 13 Nov 2019 15:02:21 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=9275 Teacher recruitment season has begun at Dipont Education and our recruiters are already busy filling positions for August 2020. As well as having a multitude of teaching vacancies for international educators, we are also in need of both experienced and newly qualified Chinese bilingual teachers for our various independent schools.

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Teacher recruitment season has begun at Dipont Education and our recruiters are already busy filling positions for August 2020.

As well as having a multitude of teaching vacancies for international educators, we are also in need of both experienced and newly qualified Chinese bilingual teachers for our various independent schools. We are also looking for Chinese bilingual teaching assistants, lab technicians, college counselors and library assistants.

Due to expansion, Nanwai King’s College School Wuxi and RDFZ King’s College School Hangzhou – which are both in their second year of operation – have a range of vacancies for bilingual teachers of early years, elementary, middle school and subject specialists.

Shanghai Huaer Collegiate School Kunshan – our newest school, set to open in 2020 – is building its teaching staff team from scratch. The school requires bilingual staff for a range of positions.

What are we looking for?

Our schools aim to provide outstanding education to their students, and we are therefore looking for educators who share our ethos of excellence.

Our schools provide an internationalized learning experience while maintaining the requirements of the Chinese curriculum. Students are exposed to studies in both Chinese and English in order to enhance their language skills and build their international outlook. Potential teachers need to be passionate about the benefits of bilingual education.

We are looking for both excellent teaching graduates (with bachelor’s degrees and above, and excellent English proficiency) as well as fully qualified teachers with experience teaching provincial-level or above.

Information sessions across China

We will be holding information sessions about the career opportunities available with us for bilingual teachers. Our recruitment and HR staff will speak about the schools, professional development opportunities, salaries and benefits, and teacher training, as well as to answer any questions.

These sessions will be held at university campuses around China, including:

Nov. 12, 2019
Shanghai International Studies University (Songjiang)
2 – 4pm
Songjiang Campus Public Classroom 2

Nov. 15, 2019
Nanjing University
2 – 4pm
Gulou Campus, Nanyuan 21 House 203 Negotiation Room H

Nov. 15, 2019
Zhejiang University
1.30 – 4.30pm
Yuquan Campus, Lecture Hall 1, Yongqian Student Activity Center

Nov. 20, 2019
Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University
2 – 4pm
Business School Building G54

Nov. 22, 2019
East China Normal University
2 – 4pm
Zhongshan North Road Campus, College Student Center 102-2

Nov. 26, 2019
Suzhou University
2 – 4pm
Tianci Zhuang Campus, Lingyun Building 102 Multimedia Classroom

Nov. 28, 2019
Fudan University
2 – 4pm
Handan Campus, Ye Yaozhen Building 202

Nov. 29, 2019
Nanjing Normal University
2 – 4pm
Xianlin Campus

Dec. 04, 2019
Hangzhou Normal University
Cangqian New Campus

If you would like more information on the information sessions or the Chinese bilingual teaching positions available with us, please email careers@dipont.com.

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Fake teaching contracts: 3 tips to avoid scams https://www.dipont.com/2019/08/28/fake-teaching-contracts-3-tips-to-avoid-scams/ Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:23:09 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=7649 It’s a sad reality that there are people out there who will try to scam teachers by offering them fake teaching contracts. These fake contracts are often in the name of reputable companies like Dipont Education or one of our schools. So how can you spot and avoid these scams?

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It’s a sad reality that there are people out there who will try to scam teachers by offering them fake teaching contracts. These fake contracts are often in the name of reputable companies like Dipont Education or one of our schools.

So how can you spot and avoid these scams? Oliver Knapman, senior recruitment manager for the Dipont independent schools, explains how.

I’ve had a couple of people contact me recently about contracts that I’ve supposedly offered them that have turned out to be fake. It’s an old scam where ‘recruiters’ offer legitimate-looking contracts to candidates and then charge an ‘admin’ or ‘visa processing fee’ before disappearing, never to be heard from again.

I wanted to write something warning people about these con artists posing as recruiters and to give three simple tips on how to spot fake contract offers:

1. We will never ask you to pay us fees for recruitment 

When working with legitimate Dipont Education recruiters, we will never ask you for a fee for recruitment. If a recruiter claiming to be from Dipont asks you for money, you can be sure they’re a fraudster. 

2. You will never be offered a contract without being interviewed

Dipont would never offer any teacher a contract without completing at least one interview either in person or via video call. These interviews will usually be done by a center or school head or principal. 

3. We only use official company email addresses

Our recruiters and support staff only communicate through official @dipont (or @dipont-edu.org) email addresses. We don’t use Gmail, Hotmail or any other non-Dipont email clients to communicate with potential teachers. 

So, there you are. Three simple tips for spotting a recruitment con artist to avoid falling for their fake teaching contracts.

If you think you have been contacted by a fake recruiter, or would like to verify any information you have received, please do contact me on oliver.knapman@dipont.com or call (+86) 21 6190 7081 (ext. 6137). 

Are you a teacher or education professional? Check out our vacancies page for the latest teaching jobs in China.


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11 reasons why you should teach in China https://www.dipont.com/2019/03/05/11-reasons-why-you-should-teach-in-china/ Tue, 05 Mar 2019 03:34:30 +0000 https://www.dipont.com/?p=4188 Are you a curious and adventurous educator with a love for travel? Do you have a desire to experience life in a very different culture while still maintaining and developing your career? If so, you should consider taking the opportunity to teach in China. Leaving your home country, your family

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Are you a curious and adventurous educator with a love for travel? Do you have a desire to experience life in a very different culture while still maintaining and developing your career?

If so, you should consider taking the opportunity to teach in China.

Leaving your home country, your family and friends is a big step. But, making the move to China will pay off for the following amazing reasons:

You’re in high demand

For many roles, the market is tough and finding a quality job abroad can be difficult. Teaching in China is different, where demand for high-quality international education grows by the year. Dipont Education offers a range of excellent teaching positions in our independent schools and international curriculum centers.

A teacher and students in a classroom in China

Advance your career

Teaching abroad is an investment in your future and choosing China offers you unparalleled opportunities for career growth. For early-career teachers, it’s a chance to take on more responsibility more quickly than you might expect at home. Alternatively, for mid-career professionals, a break from the routine of teaching at home can reinvigorate you. At Dipont, we take our teachers’ development seriously, supporting training and advancement throughout their career with us.

Highly motivated students

Education in China is seen as hugely important and children are taught to treat teachers with respect. Chinese students tend to be extremely motivated and well-behaved, making teaching them an extremely pleasant experience. Excellent students are one of the most compelling reasons to teach in China! 

Earn a good salary with fewer expenses

Salary shouldn’t be the deciding factor in taking a new position. The reality is, however, that international teachers in China can live comfortably and save on their salaries. Dipont vacancies provide accommodation allowance and annual return airfare home, meaning more income goes into your pocket.

A teacher standing in front of a classroom of students

See China from a local’s POV

Teaching and living in China gives you the opportunity to experience the country and culture in a way that a tourist simply cannot. You gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating country, get to know its people and experience their way of life. Plus, when you teach in China, you’re doing much more than just visiting the country, you’re helping to contribute to its continued development.

Learn Chinese

On paper, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world. Having said that, almost everyone can pick up a few key words and phrases. How amazing to be able to say you speak any Chinese at all! For those really serious about learning Chinese, there’s no better way to learn than being fully immersed in the world’s most spoken language. Plus, learning Chinese, with its complicated written system, offers proven benefits for intelligence, memory, and concentration, as well as lowered risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s!

Explore China and beyond

Life isn’t all about work and teaching in China gives you the perfect excuse to explore this vast country, and the wider Asia region, during your vacations. Transport to neighboring countries such as Japan, Vietnam and Thailand is affordable and quick, while Dipont has vacancies in a number of amazing locations around China, from where you can explore this fascinating country.

School children run on the Great Wall of China

Reflect on your own culture

Working in China will force you to ask yourself questions about your own culture and how you see things. Your students and colleagues will ask you questions about your home country that you’ve never considered before. It will definitely you take a few moments to actually provide an answer! This will lead to new realizations about your own culture and an appreciation for things you never even knew you enjoyed.

See your subject with fresh eyes

If you’ve been teaching your subject for many years, taking your teaching skills to China can make you feel like you’re embarking on a whole new career. Perspectives on your subject might be different and ways of teaching it might vary so you’ll see your subject in a totally new context.

Become a better teacher…

Teaching in China, and in a completely different culture, will generate new ideas and force you to relate to your students in a whole new way. Chinese students might learn and interact with you in ways you’re not used to, and you’ll need to respond to their learning style with fresh new approaches, which will both challenge and stimulate you.

A young person in a classroom looks up to his teacher

…while becoming a student!

When teaching and living in China, you won’t just be experiencing it from the front of the classroom, you’ll become a learner too. The whole country will be your classroom and you’ll learn new things everyday, both from your students and your colleagues.

What are you waiting for? Explore the opportunities to teach in China with Dipont now!

The post 11 reasons why you should teach in China appeared first on Dipont Education.
