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  • WATCH: online info session on teaching in China with Dipont!

    Wednesday 29 Apr 2020
    We held an online info session for those interested in the teaching opportunities available with Dipont Education. The session can be watched again below or on our YouTube channel.

    The session featured presentations from Peter Derby-Crook MBE, director of education at Dipont, and Stephen Fulton, deputy director of our international high school programs. It was hosted and moderated by Melissa Szarowicz and Martina Meneghetti, recruitment consultants at Dipont.

    The different sections of the online info session can be found at:

    • 1′ 32″ onwards – Peter Derby-Crook MBE “Dipont and our schools in China”
    • 11′ 39″ onwards – Stephen Fulton “Working for Dipont Education”
    • 21′ 06″ onwards – Questions and answers (Q&A) session
    Are you a teacher or education professional? Check out our vacancies page for the latest teaching jobs in China.